
What's Up?

Well, other than loving on these sweet kiddos and doing fun things with them... A LOT!

Let's just say that between managing a total of 4 blogs (yes... now you see why this one has been a bit neglected...), planning Christmas in the Valley, planning mom's 50th birthday party (no...it's not a surprise), sewing halloween costumes and other holiday outfits, teaching aerobics (which has become just about a once a week thing), to running my own Premier business... it's safe to say that nap times have been VERY full! =)

The good news is that none of these things can really be done while the kids are awake(except aerobics.. but luckily they LOVE the childcare!) .. so don't worry...they're definitely not getting neglected..

The bad news: showers have some days become negotiable (is it sad that this has been all too common occurence since Pierce's birth?)

All in all.. a lot is "up".. but life is good! I'm actually at this point in time not too stressed at all! (now ask me again on Nov 18.. the day before C in the V and we'll see where I am..) I know my limits, and I try to not overexceed them. That doesn't always happen.. but for the most part, that is my goal! Life with a 1 and 2 yr old is full and blessed and sometimes means losing my mind a bit (i.e. today I was totally a no show for allie's eye dr appointment, because I was happily teaching zumba without a thought in the world). But, when things like that happen... you call, you apologize, you promise to try not to let it happen again... what else can you do?

You find that the once organized, cleaned housed, well-planned, having it all together person that you once were is maybe not the person you should be. Because after all... the carefree, roll with it, sometimes unshowered mom is the much more pleasant one for my kiddos to be around =)


Christmas in the Valley GIVEAWAY!!!

Alright... this year all of the Christmas in the Valley related posts will appear on its very own BLOG!!!!

There is a Giveaway up and posted... so be sure to go check it out and ENTER to win!!!!



where are you, Christmas?

Okay... I have officially gone Christmas crazy! I'm ready for it.. I've been making my lists, I've been thinking of gifts to buy (although I don't officially take that plunge until closer to thanksgiving!)

Someone said at church Sunday raise your hand if this is your favorite time of year... I nearly did... not because I'm especially affectionate about fall..(I in fact have a total of 2 fall decorations that I own that I have yet to put out).. but I do love fall simply because it is my "means to an end"... that is, it brings me Christmastime! So, yes costumes are fun (especially this year.. my mini repunzel and flynn rider will especially be adorable), thanksgiving is tasty.. but nothing can compare to the day after! Yes... Black Friday for me is when Christmas officially begins!

Yes, I intentionally wait until the craziest time of year to start shopping.. because who would want to miss out on that kind of fun?! You see Black Friday means getting up at 4 to begin the shopping (which basically lasts for a whole month!), pulling out the Christmas decorations, and wrapping my house in pure enchantment and cheer for the whole month!

So, thank you Fall, for coming, because to me, that means Christmas is almost ready to pop it's lovely head into my life again!



So... I have a new obsession! Usually when I see crafty things... instead of buying I just think... hmm I could make that! Well.. these I think I've decided would be worth buying. I mean.. they look like they take some REAL artistic talent!

The Chipper Chickie is offering a giveaway for free burlees to adorn your door for the entire year! Wow! I am definitely counting on my "lucky" genes to help me out with this one!! (They do owe me, afterall, after intensely letting me down on the St Jude Dream Home Giveaway)...

But, seriously, go like them on facebook and check out their stuff! It is super cute!!


Disney on the brain...

So, I've been thinking that it would be fun to let Allie experience the magic of Disney World! A few reasons I think she may be ready?

1. We've been teaching her to pray... on a very 2 year old level.. You know.. Thanking Jesus for Mommy, Daddy, Piercey, other family members, food, etc. When driving down the road the other day, I heard her privately praying.. "and, thank you for ariel, thank you for ariel, thank you for ariel, and thank you for snow white..." (every once in a while, she'll throw in a "thank you for the phone...." hmm.. mommy's girl, indeed.)

2. When reading her Bible story to her today about the birth of Jesus, I asked her a few questions afterwards. When I asked her what Jesus' mommy's name was, she replied "Ariel". Then, when I said the Angels sang songs, I asked her to sing a song, and she belted out her best rendition of "Beauty and the Beast"....

3. In the "Mickey Store" today, she proceeded to blow kisses to all of her favorite stuffed animals before I could drag her out of the store.

So, is she ready to fully appreciate the experience? I'd say so! (the fact that we seriously need to work on separating spiritual matters and Disney princesses is a whole other issue entirely...)