Lest you think that I'm a total pessimest on this whole pregnancy subject, I decided to try to look for the silver lining, and came up with some things that have definitely improved "this time" versus "last time".
Last time:I LITERALLY threw up every day from 5-22 weeks, and then it picked up again from 30-40 weeks.
This time:Although I certainly have my days, and definitely FEEL sick a lot of them, there are DEFINITELY many days where I do not ACTUALLY throw up! =) I mainly give the credit to my sweet hubby who brings my my meds in bed each morning at least 30 min before I wake up! What a difference it makes!
Last time:I felt like I was the ultimate bargain shopper by spending a grand total of $220 on ALL of Allie's furniture by buying it all used on craigslist.
This time:I am even happier to say that I have spent absolutely NOTHING on Pierce's furniture! AND, his room looks amazing! (Pictures to come soon, I promise. We just finished this weekend) I should add that this has much more to do with the generosity of friends and family and a little do it yourself-ness on my part than my savvy shopping abilities. Thanks, Karlye and Breanna for the hand-me-down changing table and dresser, and Mom and Dad for the beautiful crib!
Last time:There were parts of my body that were LITERALLY ripping apart. I'm not kidding, I'm talking skin cracking in half, ripping apart. I felt quite similarly to how I imagine that Bella must have felt in Breaking Dawn.
This time:Well, there is no breaking or ripping of skin going on. Enough said! =)
Last time:I had the wonderful pleasure of finding out how maternity pantyhose felt due to our lovely winter dress code at work, that only let up my last 2 weeks on the job. Let me just tell you, they felt about as pleasant as they sound.
This time:I've been able to trade in my pantyhose (which I do not plan to wear in a very, very long time, by the way) for the wonderful maternity bathing suit! While it may not be the prettiest site for those around me, I am a HUGE fan of forgetting about how you look in it, and fully taking in the benefits of swimming (one of my all time favorite things to do normally) while being pregnant.
Last time:I had more than my share of
those people who felt the need to come up and say such wonderfully encouraging things, such as, "Wow, when are you due. You look like you're about ready to pop." Then, when I would respond with something like, "Oh, not for 2 0r 3 more months," they would reply with something like, "Oh my! Is it twins!?" To this, I think they probably generally just got a nasty stare, rather than an actual response from me.
This time:I'm very happy to say that I haven't received even one of these comments! In fact, quite to the contrary, some people have actually acted surprised when I tell them how soon my due date is. Let me just say to all of you out there who feel the need to talk to pregnant strangers... this approach makes a lady feel much better about her present situation than the previously described approach. Well, what if the person really does look HUGE, you ask? Always best to stick to the principle, "If you can't think of something nice to say, just don't say anything at all."
So, there you have it, if I can find it here, then surely you can find the silver lining in each and every situation! =)