
A day at the lake

Steph, katie, and I are spending the day at pickwick for Stephanie's birthday!! What a great way to spend a day!! Don't worry though, this wasn't me!


Trying to Be Productive...

Is sometimes hard to do! I needed to add a bunch of pictures to our website and figured I could get this done while Allie was playing. Apparently fabric is MUCH more fun to play with than toys! =)



Wow! Am I missing the days of relaxing by the beach and the pool! Ever since I've gotten back things have been crazy!

Over the course of the next week, I'll be throwing a bridal shower, attending another one, going to a bridesmaid luncheon, attending my own baby shower, and throwing another baby shower! And, just in case that didn't seem like enough to pack into one week, I'll also be spending the day at Pickwick and working our little machine to death with a bunch of monogramming! Phew! Makes me worn out just thinking about it all! It sure will be a week packed full of fun though!

Somehow, I sure hope I can fit in time to do Pierce's nursery! Time seems to be flying by like crazy! I've only got 3 dr.'s appointments left before d-day! At least I've got it all envisioned in my head on how I want the room to look, but I'm thinking now's about the time to start putting those visions into reality. Maybe I should get through this next crazy week first, though!

In other news, I'm anxiously awaiting to hear whether Allie's new cousin will be a boy or a girl. I'll admit that I'm selfishly hoping for a boy, so Pierce won't feel so left out in a family FULL of girls. We'll see in the next few weeks...

Oh, and don't worry, in the midst of all the busy-ness, sweet Allie is getting plenty of attention. My nap times, however, are greatly being cut into! =)



Home of throwed rolls

We went to Lamberts for dinner tonight, and Andrew and Breanna didn't know about the throwed roll experience until after the waiters started chunking them across the room! Needless to say they enjoyed the experience.

Allie caught on, too. She kept raising her hands in the air after seeing us do that to catch a roll. While she didn't catch any herself, she sure enjoyed eating them!

This is the life!

Today the rest of the fam headed to the water park, and Allie and I decided to spend the day at the pool!

If I had it my way, I think I'd spend everyday at the pool! It is probably good we don't have one. I may never get anything productive done.

Rainy days

Well our first full day was pretty overcast and rainy off and on, but we still managed to pack in some beach time, pool time, putt putt, dinner, and ended the evening with family game time! All in all it was a great day, but I think everyone is looking forward to some sunshine today!


7 hours of fun

It's a good thing Allie enjoys car rides. Otherwise, the drive wouldn't have been nearly as pleasant!

2 Weeks!

Wow. Has it really been that long since I've blogged?! Apparently so! I feel that an apology is long overdue. I hope you will forgive me, and I promise to do much better.

I'm not sure if the lack of blogging has been due to the fact that we've had a lot going on these past 2 weeks, or due to my wonderful new phone, which sometimes makes me forget I even have a computer altogether (and yes, I know I can blog from my phone, too, so that's probably not it), or due to the fact that my mind has been more and more scattered these days as I find myself loving each minute of playing with my sweet Allie, but also loving each minute of naptime, so I can get some rest, too!

So what is it that we've been up to? Well, naturally we've been swimming as much as possible, we had a quick trip to Pickwick with some good friends (and NO kids!), I've been busily getting ready for a baby shower and bridal shower that I'm giving this month, I finally picked out bedding for Pierce's room and will begin decorating as soon as we are able to get rid of this one last pesky piece of furniture, which I've been diligently listing on Craigslist. (If any of you need a REALLY pretty black, distressed entertainment center that holds a 27" tv, let me know!) We've also been enjoying time with family from out of town, as well as THREE fireworks shows! Allie loved them all!

In other news, this last month has been quite eventful for Allie as well! While she is STILL not walking (at 13 months!), she has expanded her vocabulary to include quite a few words! She'll say brush, hi, makeup, ducky, bath, bite, milk, juice, mama, daddy, gator, book, up, and a few other things I know I'm forgetting. Of course, she doesn't ALWAYS say them on command, but that's only normal.

I've also decided that despite a baby coming in September, I am moving ahead with holding Christmas in the Valley! So, mark your calendars for November 6! As you can imagine, I'd like to get the details nailed down before Pierce's arrival, so I'm working on vendors now. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Keep in mind, we have limited room, so each vendor will be carefully considered before any decision is made. I know I am in need of someone who sells stationary/Christmas cards. Last year's vendor will be out of town and unable to come! If you know of anyone for this slot, PLEASE let me know!!

Well, consider yourselves officially updated on our lives! Allie and I are headed off to the beach this morning with my family! Poor hubby is staying behind to enjoy a fun-filled week of work! We will miss him, but we're not ones to pass up on a free beach trip! Stay tuned this week, and I be sending lots of picture updates your way!