
Easier Said Than Done

Yesterday Allie was looking awfully cute in her Valentine attire that Mimi gave her, so I thought, well I need to get a cute picture of her. Well, let me just tell you... it's tough getting a cute pic of this on-the-go little thing!

At first, she was totally appathetic to the idea...

Then, I tried to make it fun by jumping in myself, hoping this might entice her. However, looking back, even if she had attempted a cute smile, I'm afraid my makeup-less face would've negatively impacted the picture anyway...

Then, she at least gave it a try, but of the course the snap of the camera was a few seconds to late, resulting in this:
Finally, I got one that at least looked sweet!
And, then, hours later, just before bedtime, I FINALLY captured her in all of her cute, smiling goodness! Happy Valentine's!


  1. Rachel, that last picture she looks just like you! Too cute!

  2. That Allie is sooo adoreable. Can she get any cuter??? Love the shirt~ MK
